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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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the searbys

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Sometimes Joel and I fight over stupid things. We are also not so secretive about our arguments. Sorry to those of you who witness our petty disagreements. We are just trying to be as transparent with our lives as possible. I'm sure anyone would have laughed about last night's argument. I had a stressful day yesterday: Cameron was(and still is) in the hospital, Evan refused to take a nap longer than 30 minutes, and I am getting over some kind of sick-bug. Joel and I tried a few times to have a decent conversation but Evan was whining and it was time to eat and the news was on then jeopardy was on then it was time to put Evan to bed then American Idol and Dancing with the Stars was on at the exact same time. Seriously, Fox and ABC need to become friends. It would make my evening a lot easier! During my flipping back and forth between Dancing and Idol, Joel decided he wanted to finish the conversation we tried to start earlier. I was a little annoyed, afterall, I was in the middle of not one but TWO of my favorite shows. He got mad at me, took the remote, and turned the tv off. I just looked at him and laughed. I'm not sure why I found it funny....I think it was just the perfect end to an already crappy day. After a few minutes, he laughed too and we finished our tv watching, said our "I Love You's" and went to bed.

Had any good fights lately?

haha jen- so glad you could laugh. i didn't know you were an idol and dancing with the stars fan. i try to watch Idol, but Bible study and a stupis VCR that won't record has been keeping me from it! I caught the results tonight. anyway, fighting- aaron and i are pretty good at that these days, sadly. sometimes it ridiculous, sometimes its the devil getting the best of us! grr..... glad you are being transparent! :)  


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