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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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the searbys

Monday, February 04, 2008
Summer in February
I'm eating my pasta salad and drinking my sweet tea as I write this blog. It sure feels like summer. I love it!

Last night we had some friends over to watch the SuperBowl. Right before the game started, one of the little boys asked, "Do you have a Disney Movie I can watch?" I guess he wasn't too interested in the game. Most of our friends have kids now so everyone was gone by the end of the 3rd quarter. That felt really strange but I guess that is just the stage of life we are in. Here are a few pics from the night...
Melody and Asher, friends from our childbirth class:

Kevin, Evan, Joel, & Chris look excited about the game:
Jonathon let Rosemary watch the game upside-down:

Evan is growing and changing everyday. He is rolling all over the place now and almost sitting on his own. We have decided that it is time to stop swaddling him for naps and bedtime. I'm using a "sleepsack" so that his arms are still free but his legs are still somewhat secure and he is not distracted by playing with his feet. Today he fell asleep okay without being swaddled but only slept 45 minutes at a time which was clearly not enough because he was grumpy when we tried to play with his toys. Any advice on this whole sleeping thing would be very much appreciated!
Evan has also been eating rice cereal for the past 3 weeks. He loves it! He gets really excited and opens his mouth wide when he sees the spoon coming. Yesterday we started mixing in some oatmeal with the rice and he didn't even seem to notice...he just wanted more of it. He will be getting his first vegetables at the end of this week! I used my new food processor that I got for Christmas and made him some squash and some carrots. They are in the freezer all ready for him to eat!

In between the grumpyness this morning, Evan and I were able to go outside and enjoy our "summer" day:

Evan sure is a handsome boy! I'd really enjoy it if our paths would cross soon. Will Joel have any business trips to KS? :)
Paxton LOVED summer squash from the food processor, I hope Evan does too.
Enjoy the warm weather. We're gearing up for a 7 in snow tonight. Yikes!  


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I say ducktape still works wonders;)which I learned from a fellow NFRMC mommy- and if we had been in g-ville we would have stayed for the whole game...baby or no baby!!! Kids become a part of your life, they don't have to rule it. Of course I say that and I don't have to go to work in the morning;)  


Sounds like the 45 minute intruder . . . . Jackson went through a phase of that too. There are a few sections about it in the BabyWise book if you want to read more.

Have I mentioned that I wish I lived in FL! : ) Though, we did have a pretty severe thunderstorm tonight and it was 70 here yesterday! I must say, it is NOT fun to loose power in a strange house when you don't know where candles or flashlights are!!! AHHH! All we could find was Jackson's cow flashlight that moos everything you turn it on!!! : )  


So great to see some pictures. I was glad to get to see Joel last week. I am so happy your life is well. I praise God for your life and ministry together.  


ahh, evan is getting so big- sitting up and everything! we have had nice weather too. we got everly's bike seat on and went for a spin today. don't know if she likes it too well yet! anyway, evan could be going through some growth spurts too. but, i remember those days- so frustrating! not to say we're done, but Everly usually just wakes up if she's pooped! or if she hears something loud- what a light sleeper! okay, thanks for the updates and cute pics! love you guys! :)  


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