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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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the searbys

Saturday, February 02, 2008
A Note From Evan
My friend Shauna suggested that I post something about my mommy and daddy since they are always posting things about me. They just love me so much that they forget to report on anything that they have been doing. So, let's see....

Daddy has been gone ALL week. He had 3 business trips all jammed together so he left on Sunday for North Carolina then on to Nebraska and then to Illinois. He got most of his work done except for in Illinois. There was a big snowstorm and the office was closed where daddy was supposed to have his meeting. He was a little dissapointed but it worked out okay because he was staying with my great Grandma and Grandpa Parmenter. He was able to visit with them and some other family members that lived near by! He'll be home in just a couple of hours and I'm hoping my mommy will let me stay up to see him.

As for Mommy, she's been hanging out with me all week. You see, I can't walk, talk, or even feed myself yet so she's had her hands full. I think she likes staying home with me rather than working. Sometimes we have pajama days together! But, most of the time she makes me get dressed and packs me in that carseat (with the fun toy from Grandma Raymer) and we go somewhere. She likes to go visit her friends, go grocery shopping, or go for walks. This week we spent 2 days at her friend Kelly's house. She and Kelly have gotten to be really good friends and I like that because it means I get to spend lots of time Megan (she tried to eat my shoe in the previous post). We also visited Jimmy and Katie this week. That was a fun visit! They just had a new baby on Thursday morning (see picture below). Mommy is very excited for Isaac and I to become best buddies!

Overall, mommy and daddy are doing fine. They love their new house in Gainesville, daddy loves his job, and I keep mommy busy.

Here are some pictures for you to enjoy....

Isaac James Whitlock, 14 hours old:

Here I am having tummy-time in my room on my special quilt that Grandma Raymer made me:But, tummy-time doesn't last long cuz I like to roll over...

oh, and I like to eat my feet...

I'm so glad to hear that your mommy and daddy are doing well! I was glad to talk to your mommy on the phone on Friday. Be sure to take good care of them . . . and to be a good boy : )
Love, Kristin (Jackson, Kinsey & Dave)  


thanks for the post evan! we love you :)  


gee, i'd like a quilt like that; you're so blessed!  


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