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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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the searbys

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
My parents are here for a visit! We've had a good time touring various sites around Gainesville. On Saturday morning we went to "Devil's Millhopper," a sinkhole that is just on the edge of town. We walked down 212 steps and up again...

On Sunday afternoon we went to the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Homestead. It was a beautiful afternoon to be outside. Here are mom and dad hanging out on the porch...

and here is Evan in the "Snugli" for the second day in a row....

On our way home from the homestead we stopped at our good friends Pete and Lou's house. They let my dad pick some grapefruit...

The grapefruit were as big as Evan...
On Monday while Joel was at work Evan and I took mom and dad to Lake Alice on the University campus hoping to see some alligators. We had no luck with the alligators but did see a few turtles. I carried Evan in the "Snugli" for the 3rd day in a row. He loves that thing!

And...Evan borrowed his friend Megan's drum for the week. He thinks it is the coolest thing ever...

Last night we took mom and dad to Satchel's for pizza. It was just as wonderful as ever! I'll post some pictures of that soon :)

That boy is cuter every time you post a picture!!! So glad your mom and dad are there for a visit--tell your mom I said Hi!  


Evan is getting so big!!! Such a cutie : ) Kinsey likes the carrier too . . . now we just need some more warm weather to actually go outside and walk : )  


Paxton LOVES that drum too! Evan sure is a handsome fella. Glad to see you are having fun.  


ahh, evan is soooo cute. you guys look like you have so much fun. hope we can see you guys again before he's walking! :)  


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