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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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Friday, June 27, 2008
Illinois: Day 10 (Part Two)
This portion of the blog is dedicated to my sister...

Grandma Edi made some cranberry bran muffins for Rick & Ronnie's trip out to Wyoming. Mom, Dad, Evan, and I went out to the farm to deliver them last night. Rick was SO excited to see us and wanted to show us all of the animals. He just got 5 new hens and a rooster ("Dave! You've got to see my new chickens!"). Evan wanted to follow them but wouldn't get too close...
Rick wanted to show us the "black and white kittens." As we walked into the barn he explained that the mamma skunk was killed on the highway so he set up a water jar and an iron skillet of dog food for the two babies. ("Dave! They've been eatin' it! It was smooth just a half hour ago and now you can see they've eaten' some!") Fortunately the "kittens" were hiding and we didn't get to see them.
We had to say goodbye to "Ruby" because she is going to live in Wyoming. Evan watched closely as Rick fed Ruby some carrots...

Then Evan fed Rick a carrot...

Rick says "Carrots are good for everybody!"
Illinois: Day 10 (Part One)
Wow 10 days sure go fast when you are having fun! Yesterday Evan and I dropped mom off at her wallpaper job in Mansfield and then we went to see Jodi, David, & Paxson again. Evan enjoys taking all of their DVDs off of the shelf and then watching me put them all back on again. Paxson was very sweet and alert most of the morning! After a little time with them, Evan and I went to Champaign for a little Target run and to see my wonderful Amanda. She's always good for a laugh and a good story.

Dad grilled out for supper and we ate our first mess of green beans from the garden. Evan helped Grandpa pick them...

Illinois: Day 9
On Wednesday mom needed to go to Gibson for a couple of things and she brought back McDonald's for lunch. Evan ate almost a whole half of a double cheeseburger! That was his first burger from McDonald's!

Evan and I spent the afternoon at Jodi, David, & Paxson's house. Paxson weighs 9 lbs and 10 oz. already! He has gained about 3 lbs. in the last 3 weeks. I guess Jodi has some good milk!

Illinois: Day 8
On Tuesday, Evan and I went in to Bloomington to our friend Katie's house. She has a little girl, Ellie(2 years old) and a little boy, Lincoln(1 year old). Melissa also met us there with Cameron and Jodi came for a few minutes with Paxson. Ellie LOVES babies! She made friends with Jodi really quickly and wanted to help take him out of his carseat, change him, dress him, etc. It was SO cute! Here are all the boys playin' together...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Illinois: Day 6 & 7
Day 6 & 7 were full of Grandmas, Grandpas, and friends. On Sunday after church Evan and I spent part of the afternoon at Grandma & Grandpa Bridgwater's house. It has always been a tradition to walk one block to their house from church, eat a yummy home-cooked meal and then sit out on the porch. Evan and Paxson were able to experience that on Sunday...

On Sunday evening Angela brought her nephew, Braxton, over to play with Evan. I used to babysit for Angela & Clinton and now Clinton has a little boy that is just a bit older than evan! That makes me feel a little old. The boys played pretty well together...

Besides wanting to pull Braxton's ears, Evan also wanted to play with Uncle Jake's basketball...

On Monday evening Mom, Dad, Evan, & I went to see Grandma Edi. She also made us a yummy supper! Evan was a little hesitant at first to sit on her lap but once she had a book to read he sat still long enough for a picture...

And then my dad had to show Evan the world...

I have pictures from yesterday and today but you'll just have to wait for those :)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Illinois: Day 4 & 5
Evan is having SO much fun at his Grandma & Grandpa Raymer's house! Yesterday we stayed at the house since we had been running around all week. We have a lot of people to see in the next month....but it makes it a little easier if some of them come see us (hint, hint). So....if you want to see Evan and I just give me a call or stop by my parent's house and we'd love to hang out!

Here are some pictures from yesterday & today:

Evan loves to play in the kitchen. He has been pulling things out of the cupboards and playing with the pop bottles that normally sit by the fridge...

Last night Jake, Melissa, Cameron, Jodi, David,& Paxson came over for dinner. Melissa & I took Cameron & Evan for a walk before dinner and we ended up at the swings...

The boys also had a good time in the kitchen together...
Pax is too small to play in the kitchen...

Here is the proud Grandma with all her boys...

We even managed to have a family skillet cookie! Well, mom and dad were party-poopers and chose not to join us...

This morning Jodi was having her breakfast and Evan decided he needed some too. She shared her banana with him...

And this afternoon we headed back to the Gradeschool for some more fun! This time after swinging we tried out the slide...

Now that Evan is in bed it means a little peace and quiet for me....and maybe some icecream.

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Illinois: Day 3
Evan and I spent the afternoon in Champaign today visiting Amanda. It was fun to catch up with her and meet some of her friends that she works with at the Vineyard Church. Two of her friends are leaving for Chile tomorrow! It was awesome to get to have lunch with them and encourage them as they go visit a place that Joel and I both hold dearly in our hearts. (Woah, that was kinda cheesy.) Evan was very entertaining at lunch as he used his growly voice and threw macaroni on the floor.

It was another very nice evening in Bellflower with my parents. We ate steaks off the grill & potatoes from the garden and even some yummy corn (Sorry Kevin, won't be able to bring it home on the plane!) Evan enjoyed playing outside with his Grandma & Grandpa. He was a very busy boy...

First he splashed in the cold pool with his hands...
And then with his feet...
After dinner Grandpa showed him the pin wheels...
And they ended the night with a walk around the yard...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Illinois: Day 2
What a great day!

-Evan took 2 good naps!
-It was about 75 degrees and sunny!
-I spent the day with my mom, sister, and Pax
-Pax spit up ALL OVER me, then Evan spit up on me....but luckily I was at my sister's and had plenty of clothing 0ptions to borrow.
-we went to the neighbor's house tonight (their regular Wed. night get-together) and Evan tried to eat rocks...but I caught him just in time!
- I talked to Joel on the phone.

Hope you had a great day.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I'm exhausted from this day but wanted to let everyone know that Evan and I made it safely to Illinois. We actually went down to Orlando last night and stayed near the airport so we wouldn't have to be up so early this morning. Joel had to be in Palm Beach today for work so he dropped Evan and I off at the Orlando Airport at 7am this morning on his way south. We had a little over 3 hours to kill before our flight left. It actually went faster than I thought it would go. We walked a lot, went in all the shops, played on the dirty floor, and ate lots of cheerios. Evan was asleep as we were taking off but it didn't last long....the kid behind us was screaming so he woke up. We arrived safely and on time to Bloomington. My bags arrived safely and on time to Baltimore, Maryland. Bonnie, the very nice lady at the Bloomington Airport, helped me locate them and requested that they be flown to Bloomington ASAP. They arrived safely and were delivered to my parents house about 8pm tonight.

My mom, sister, & my new nephew Paxson picked Evan and I up at the airport then we met my brother, Melissa, & Cameron for lunch. Here is a picture of the cousins together for the very first time. Cameron is 17 months, Evan is 9 months, & Paxson is 10 days old:

After a quick trip to Walmart we headed out to Bellflower. Evan played outside in the grass and "helped" grandpa pull some onions for supper. We also had some fresh asparagus that mom and dad had saved for me! Yum!!! Evan was pretty tired and decided that all he wanted for supper was a banana....little stinker.

I'm looking forward to my time at "home" and hope to see all my Illinois friends and family within the next month!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Joel is a wonderful father. He loves his boy SO much and I know the feeling is mutual.

In the evening when Evan hears Joel come home from work he immediately crawls toward the door and gets really excited. Joel picks him up and they exchange hugs and kisses.

Evan loves to play peek-a-boo with his daddy. They crawl all around the living room and take turns peeking around the corner of the chair...Evan giggles the entire time.

Night time has become their special time together. Joel likes to read to him, sing him a song, then cuddle a minute or two before he puts Evan to bed.

Evan and I are headed up to Illinois on Tuesday for a long visit. Joel will be coming up for the week of the 4th of July but until then, Evan is sure going to miss seeing his daddy.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Rainy Day
The afternoon Florida rain seems like it is starting earlier this year than in the past two years. If I'm at home and its raining, and Evan is down for his afternoon nap, I tend to scrapbook. I'm not sure what it is about rain that makes me feel creative but it works!

This was not the case on Tuesday afternoon. Evan and I were out running errands with Katie & Isaac when the thunder started. Long story short....It poured. My driver's side windshield wiper broke on Newberry Road. Katie was navigating. We pulled into a gas station with an over-hang. She got out to see what the problem was. It thundered SO loud that she jumped, I jumped, and Evan screamed. The windshield wiper was non-repairable. We continued on to her place. At Katie's we sat in the parking lot for close to 10 minutes...both boys asleep in their carseats by now. Finally we just grabbed them and made a run for the door. We were SOAKED!!! Evan and I ended up just spending the day there. It turned out to be a pretty fun afternoon! Here are a few pictures of the boys....
Evan loves to play with the coasters and giant remote control at the Whitlock's house:
Evan is normally very nice to Isaac. They played well together this week:

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Apples & Peanut Butter
I love apples with peanut butter. Its my new thing. I seem to want it every day.

I remember being the kid that didn't like peanut butter. My sister always wanted peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and I preferred bologna and cheese. When I went to Chile I ate a lot of peanut butter with bananas and thought that it was wonderful. Now I'm finding that apples with peanut butter is quite delicious.

I like my apples cold....right out of the fridge. I've only recently started putting them in the fridge too. My friend, Kelly, puts hers in the fridge and then she cuts them different than I've ever seen anyone cut an apple before. She slices it into really thin slices, starting from one side and working her way to the middle then doing another side until she reaches the middle, continuing until only the core is left. The slices are SO fun to eat, especially when they are cold and slathered with peanut butter.

Apples with peanut butter. Yum.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Fun at the Mall
Our mall in town has a great "Swamp" for kids to play in! Today was Evan's first time to be set free in the swamp. He loved it!!! He just crawled from one thing to another and giggled the entire way. He climbed the stairs up to the tree slide...
He then discovered the tunnel underneath the tree. It was about 5 feet long and all the big boys were crawling through it so he took off following them! I just met him on the other end as he came out with a huge grin on his face. He also thought crawling through the "water" under the bridge was fun...

He and Megan had an awesome time playing...

But were not TOO happy when we made them get in the boat to pose for a picture with Isaac...

It was definately a fun day...

Sunday, June 08, 2008
Evan Signs "More"
We've been teaching Evan just a few signs since he was born. He understands "milk", "eat", & "more" very well. He does the "milk" sign every once in a while but last week I think he finally understood the concept of doing the "more" sign. He's also waving hi and bye and today I think I finally got him to clap!

Saturday, June 07, 2008
A Baby and The Blueberry Festival
Text Message Conversation with my sister last night:

8:50 PM

Me: Is that baby coming today or what?

Jodi: Gosh, I don't know! I feel like its gotta be getting closer. My contractions are closer together but pain is all in my back. Did you have that before real contractions?

Me: How far apart are they?

Jodi: About 7 Minutes

Me: Wow! You are supposed to feel real contractions in your back! If they've been going for over an hour then I'd say you are in labor.

Jodi: Really?! Even if I can still talk through them? I don't know, I'm thinking it should be more painful. I definately would say I'm close though.

Me: Mine were not really that painful til more like 3 minutes apart. Have a good snack & get some sleep tonight cuz you'll probably have a baby tomorrow!

Jodi: OK! Pray that we'll be going to the hospital within 24 hours.

Me: Ok. Hope to hear from you at 3AM!

Jodi: My water broke!! Heading to the hospital. Pray for me!

Paxon David O'Malley was born at 11:24am central time. He weighed 7 lbs. and was 18 3/4 inches long. Jodi, David, & Paxson are doing great! I can't wait to go up to Illinois next week to see my new nephew!!! Hopefully I'll have some pictures of him to post in the next couple of days.

In other news....Yesterday was our 5th Wedding Anniversary. Wow. That sounds like a long time but it has flown by! Last night we went to dinner and left Evan with our good friends Jimmy & Katie. I think he had fun playing at their house! This morning we headed up to Wellborn, FL to the Blueberry Festival. I kind of felt like I was in Saybrook for the Freedom Fest. It was just a small town festival with lots of barefoot kids running around, vendors selling all their crafts, and some pretty bad musical entertainment. It was also VERY hot! But, we took the scenic drive up there and made the most of our fun little outing. Here are a couple pictures: