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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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the searbys

Friday, September 12, 2008
One Nap or Two?
Evan has been sleeping in until about 8am almost every morning. I love it! The only problem is that it makes our morning pretty short and its awful hard to squeeze a nap in there. He doesn’t want to go to sleep until 10:30 or 11am but then I find myself waking him up at noon so I can still squeeze in an afternoon nap.

Today I decided we would try one nap. Instead of putting Evan down for a nap at 10:30….we went to the library. It was nice and quiet. He just chilled out in his stroller and looked at the shelves with all the books. I’m sure he was thinking, “How can I get out of this stroller, run to the shelf, and throw all the books on the floor?” We checked out a couple books and a movie and then headed back home.

At home we had lunch, played in his room, and I put him in his crib about 1pm. He went immediately to sleep! He typically naps for 1 ½ hours at a time. So, as I’m typing this we have hit the 1 ½ hour mark and he is playing in his crib. I’m really hoping that he decides to lay back down and go back to sleep or we are going to have a really long afternoon and evening!

That's what happened with Ethan...it started to get harder and harder to get two naps in, and he was taking a LONG time to go to sleep in the morning. So we switched to one nap and he's been with one nap for a while now. It was at about 18 months I think, but it varies! Have fun with your new found time! :) Naps get longer, too, when there's only one! Hurray!  


When Owen switched to one nap, I kept the p.m. nap and he has slept 3-4 hours for that nap since. It is wonderful. Of course there are times he naps about 2 1/2, but for the most part I put him down at 2:00 (I started at 1:00 and that lasted a long time) and I have to wake him up at 5:00 or 5:30. If I don't wake him up then he isn't ready to sleep at 8:00 or 8:30. It helps so much to have a good napper when #2 comes along.

Hey, do you know when John and Jesse find out what they are having or are they finding out?  


so...did he go back to sleep? Noah just takes the one afternoon nap and it is usually 2.5 -3 hrs. I hope Evan decides to give you a good nap in the afternoon...I don't know what I would do without Noah's!  


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