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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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the searbys

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Illinois: Day 4 & 5
Evan is having SO much fun at his Grandma & Grandpa Raymer's house! Yesterday we stayed at the house since we had been running around all week. We have a lot of people to see in the next month....but it makes it a little easier if some of them come see us (hint, hint). So....if you want to see Evan and I just give me a call or stop by my parent's house and we'd love to hang out!

Here are some pictures from yesterday & today:

Evan loves to play in the kitchen. He has been pulling things out of the cupboards and playing with the pop bottles that normally sit by the fridge...

Last night Jake, Melissa, Cameron, Jodi, David,& Paxson came over for dinner. Melissa & I took Cameron & Evan for a walk before dinner and we ended up at the swings...

The boys also had a good time in the kitchen together...
Pax is too small to play in the kitchen...

Here is the proud Grandma with all her boys...

We even managed to have a family skillet cookie! Well, mom and dad were party-poopers and chose not to join us...

This morning Jodi was having her breakfast and Evan decided he needed some too. She shared her banana with him...

And this afternoon we headed back to the Gradeschool for some more fun! This time after swinging we tried out the slide...

Now that Evan is in bed it means a little peace and quiet for me....and maybe some icecream.

Your mom looks as happy as I have ever seen her--and who could blame her with three such ADORABLE boys. Looks like a great visit for all of you.


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