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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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Saturday, June 07, 2008
A Baby and The Blueberry Festival
Text Message Conversation with my sister last night:

8:50 PM

Me: Is that baby coming today or what?

Jodi: Gosh, I don't know! I feel like its gotta be getting closer. My contractions are closer together but pain is all in my back. Did you have that before real contractions?

Me: How far apart are they?

Jodi: About 7 Minutes

Me: Wow! You are supposed to feel real contractions in your back! If they've been going for over an hour then I'd say you are in labor.

Jodi: Really?! Even if I can still talk through them? I don't know, I'm thinking it should be more painful. I definately would say I'm close though.

Me: Mine were not really that painful til more like 3 minutes apart. Have a good snack & get some sleep tonight cuz you'll probably have a baby tomorrow!

Jodi: OK! Pray that we'll be going to the hospital within 24 hours.

Me: Ok. Hope to hear from you at 3AM!

Jodi: My water broke!! Heading to the hospital. Pray for me!

Paxon David O'Malley was born at 11:24am central time. He weighed 7 lbs. and was 18 3/4 inches long. Jodi, David, & Paxson are doing great! I can't wait to go up to Illinois next week to see my new nephew!!! Hopefully I'll have some pictures of him to post in the next couple of days.

In other news....Yesterday was our 5th Wedding Anniversary. Wow. That sounds like a long time but it has flown by! Last night we went to dinner and left Evan with our good friends Jimmy & Katie. I think he had fun playing at their house! This morning we headed up to Wellborn, FL to the Blueberry Festival. I kind of felt like I was in Saybrook for the Freedom Fest. It was just a small town festival with lots of barefoot kids running around, vendors selling all their crafts, and some pretty bad musical entertainment. It was also VERY hot! But, we took the scenic drive up there and made the most of our fun little outing. Here are a couple pictures:

Yeah for Paxon! Can't wait to see pictures.


Congratulations to your sister and to you!

And it looks like the festival was very fun...fried food on a stick, that's great!



thank you for the update on our family! proofreader queen found just a few minor corrections though =) his name is spelled Paxson and he was born at 11:26! and you forgot to mention he's perfect! thats all. love you and can't wait to see you next week!!!! btw that corn dog/fried pickle on a stick? is as tall as Evan. i'm glad you guys had fun at the freedom fest of florida =)  


Darn it! I spelled my perfect little nephew's name wrong! Sorry...I really did know the correct spelling.  


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