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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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the searbys

Monday, March 31, 2008
Slumber Party!
When was the last time you had a slumber party? Some of our friends got together on Friday night at Kevin & Kelly's house. We had such a great time! We ate some of Kevin's grouper that he caught on his last fishing excursion. Evan and Megan played outside with bubbles. We played the Newlywed Game...congrats Chris & Renae for beating us. And on Saturday morning Kevin helped Joel build shelves out of the Henderson Hall bleacher boards that we've been moving around with us for almost 5 years! Here are some pictures from the weekend...

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Check this out...

Okay I'm just kidding. Evan is not really on the cover of a magazine. You can make one too at www.parenting.com. Have fun!
Quote from a Magazine
"I'm heavily invested in the Y chromosome. Life without my boys would be a haven of peaceful and predictable days. Who wants that?"

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Easter & WalMart
Evan spent his first Easter in Birmingham. We went up to visit Joel's parents for the weekend. Grandma and Grandpa Parmenter were able to be there too. We had a nice time enjoying the outdoors....though hiking to a waterfall in flip-flops and dress shoes was probably not so smart. We did some shopping, watched basketball, ate a lot of food, and Evan learned to crawl! Here are some pics from the weekend...

On the way home from Birmingham there is a place called Mark's Melon Patch. We usually stop and pickup some fruits or vegetables but it was a little too early in the season so we got apple butter and took a couple pictures of Evan while were there...

And just for the record: you cannot buy everything at Walmart. The Ghetto-WalMart near us is the worst one ever. I went there for two specific items thinking, "hey WalMart has everything right?" Well, they do not sell 2 Gallon Ziplock bags or "rub-away" bars. I ended up finding the ziplocks at Albertson's, another grocery store in town. I'm using them to organize all my scrapbook stuff....thanks Renae for the idea! And the "rub-away" bar is this miracle stainless steel thing that you use to wash your hands after you've cut an onion and it takes the smell away! I have one and I wanted to get one for a friend that hates cutting onions but I guess I'll have to keep looking.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I put Evan down for a nap this afternoon. After about 15 minutes I hadn't heard anything out of him so I peeked in his room. He was definately not sleeping...

The little booger figured out how to stand up.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
We were very happy to have my parents spend sometime with us this month. Its great to know that Joel and I both have such supportive families who want to be involved in Evan's life. We are very blessed.

My mom enjoying her time with Evan...

Dad and I at the Florida Natural History Museum...

We took mom and dad to see Joel's office and Evan wanted to be boss for the day...

Evan learned how to hold his own cup of water...

And he can go from the crawling position back to sitting all on his own...

Sometimes Joel and I fight over stupid things. We are also not so secretive about our arguments. Sorry to those of you who witness our petty disagreements. We are just trying to be as transparent with our lives as possible. I'm sure anyone would have laughed about last night's argument. I had a stressful day yesterday: Cameron was(and still is) in the hospital, Evan refused to take a nap longer than 30 minutes, and I am getting over some kind of sick-bug. Joel and I tried a few times to have a decent conversation but Evan was whining and it was time to eat and the news was on then jeopardy was on then it was time to put Evan to bed then American Idol and Dancing with the Stars was on at the exact same time. Seriously, Fox and ABC need to become friends. It would make my evening a lot easier! During my flipping back and forth between Dancing and Idol, Joel decided he wanted to finish the conversation we tried to start earlier. I was a little annoyed, afterall, I was in the middle of not one but TWO of my favorite shows. He got mad at me, took the remote, and turned the tv off. I just looked at him and laughed. I'm not sure why I found it funny....I think it was just the perfect end to an already crappy day. After a few minutes, he laughed too and we finished our tv watching, said our "I Love You's" and went to bed.

Had any good fights lately?
Friday, March 07, 2008
Satchel's & St. Augustine
Here are a couple pictures from Satchel's, our favorite pizza place in Gainesville. Its just a fun local place to go! I think Mom and Dad had a good time...

And here is Joel with Evan in "Lightning Salvage," the junk shop behind the pizza place...

Yesterday we ventured out to St. Augustine. We saw the Fort and the Light House, went in a few shops, ate lunch, and had some icecream. Here are a few pics from the day...

We had thunderstorms and tornado watches all day today so we didn't do much. Mom did all the laundry, dad played with Evan, and I made shortcake to go with our fresh Florida strawberries. Yum! Here is dad making Evan laugh...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
My parents are here for a visit! We've had a good time touring various sites around Gainesville. On Saturday morning we went to "Devil's Millhopper," a sinkhole that is just on the edge of town. We walked down 212 steps and up again...

On Sunday afternoon we went to the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Homestead. It was a beautiful afternoon to be outside. Here are mom and dad hanging out on the porch...

and here is Evan in the "Snugli" for the second day in a row....

On our way home from the homestead we stopped at our good friends Pete and Lou's house. They let my dad pick some grapefruit...

The grapefruit were as big as Evan...
On Monday while Joel was at work Evan and I took mom and dad to Lake Alice on the University campus hoping to see some alligators. We had no luck with the alligators but did see a few turtles. I carried Evan in the "Snugli" for the 3rd day in a row. He loves that thing!

And...Evan borrowed his friend Megan's drum for the week. He thinks it is the coolest thing ever...

Last night we took mom and dad to Satchel's for pizza. It was just as wonderful as ever! I'll post some pictures of that soon :)