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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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the searbys

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Long Weekend in Bellflower
Evan and I made a quick trip home to spend a long weekend with family. (Sorry to those of you whom I did not get to see). I wanted to be home for Jodi's baby shower! Unfortunately all of my pictures from the weekend are on my mom's computer in Bellflower and the disc that I tried to copy them to failed. But, Melissa has some pics on her blog for you to see (Thanks Melissa!). So click here: http://studlygirl.blogspot.com/ to get a glimpse of our weekend.

Evan and I were very happy to see Joel last night when he picked us up in Jacksonville. Evan slept the entire way home and then was wound up when we go to the house. He didn't go to bed until 12:30am!!! He is on his 2nd 2-hour nap of the day as I type this :)

We have church tonight and are looking forward to see our friends at Harvest!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Earth Day
I'm wearing a green shirt today. I guess I just subconciously knew that it was Earth Day when I got dressed this morning. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how important a day like today is. Why don't we think of every day as Earth Day?

I put together a list of things that I am currently doing to help save my little piece of Earth so that it is still here for Evan to enjoy in the years to come...

1. I try to shower only every-other-day....that saves a little water right?
2. I shut all lights & fans off when I'm not in the room to use them.
3. I'm using cloth diapers for Evan on the days that I know we are going to be mostly at home.....that's a few less diapers in a landfill.
4. I make all of Evan's baby food rather than buying baby food in containers that will also go to a landfill someday.
5. I'm a big fan of opening the windows instead of using the AC and of putting on an extra layer rather than using the heat.
6. I've been using any extra water from water glasses, boiling eggs, steaming vegetables, etc. to water the plants rather than just dumping it down the drain.
7. We recycle our glass, aluminum, & newspapers.

What are you doing to preserve this Earth for our future generations? Please share your ideas!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I'm feeling pretty lazy tonight so if you want to know what we've been up to just go to Katie's blog. She's already posted a wonderful summary and there is no need for me to repeat it :) Thanks Katie!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sure he may be cute but not when he's teething and screaming at 3am! Joel and I haven't slept for 3 nights. Got any tips for us?
"What did you say mom? But I really want to pull the kitty's tail!"

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Busy Little Boy
Evan has been quite busy the last 2 days...


cleaning the windows...

Reading his book upside down...

Drinking some water...

And like his cousin, Cameron, Evan has gotten stuck under things...

Evan is Feeding Himself!
I gave Evan some "stars" last week and he's getting really good at picking them up and getting them to his mouth all on his own..

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Evan is crawling all over the house! And, he has discovered every door stop...

Friday, April 04, 2008
Dog Dreams
Last week I had a dream that our friend's dog, Ruger, was licking Evan. I kept waking Joel up and saying "Ruger, Ruger" hoping that he would get the dog away from Evan.

Last night I had a dream that a different friend's dog, Buddy, was licking Evan. Again, I tried to wake Joel up and I was saying "Buddy...Buddy."

Why am I having dreams about dogs licking Evan?