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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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the searbys

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Big Weekend with Amanda
Well we've had a fun weekend. Amanda, a friend from college, came to visit. Evan had some more firsts (aren't they just about all firsts the first month?) Here they are, in order:
1) First time out of Gainesville. Road trip with mama to the airport.
2) First time having my diaper changed in a public restroom.
3) First time to a mexican restaurant (Las Margaritas.)
4) First time to Starbucks.
5) First time having my diaper changed in Downtown Gainesville on the plaza.
6) First time hearing live latin music (downtown Gainesville Latino festival.)
7) First time to Satchel's.
8) First time on a horse. (see below)
9) First time seeing an Alligator.

Here's some pictures:

Monday, September 17, 2007
We've had a busy week! Not only was it full of appointments, work and church activities...we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of our friends the Bolin's. We had them, and a bunch of other people, over to the house on Saturday. We started with a pool party and then watched the Gator game together. It was our first big event at the new house and over 20 people fit in pretty comfortably (they may argue with that but I was comfortable.)

We had a lot of fun getting all the young couples together. We're really blessed with a great group of friends here in Gainesville. The Bolin's moved to Iowa a while back and we sure do miss them. But it was great to spend some quality time with them and their boy, Noah.

For those of you who know about it, don't forget to go to http://www.cubs.com/ and vote for Lindsay Studnicki (Jake's sister-in-law) in the Seventh Inning Stretch singing contest.

Hope everyone has a good week. Here's some pictures!

Some of the girls and their kids...Noah was trying to get away!

Evan had his first trip to the pool. No swimming just yet but his little feet got to go in.

Dinah sure seemed to love her floaties.

Noah had fun at the pool too!

Matt and Ashley finally got to meet Evan.

Tonight Evan wore his flip-flops for the first time...just in case he started walking at Wal-Mart.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Who do I look like?
Evan may have gotten his daddy's hands and feet but he sure looks like his mama right now! This is a picture of me (Jen) when I was 6 weeks old. To the right is Evan at almost 3 weeks old.
New Pictures & Random Thoughts
I feel like I've been feeding this little piglet all afternoon! Maybe he has hit the growth spurt many warned me about. Anyways...I found a few minutes while Evan is content to post some new pictures.

On Monday, I put one of the tie-died outfits from Amanda on my little guy. It was still too big for him but I left it on him until he peed all over it. Here he is just waking up from a nap. Its so cute to watch him stretch those little arms and legs!

Yesterday was a big day! We went for our first outing without Joel. We went to the hospital where Evan was born. They hold a new mom's luncheon each Tuesday. Every week they offer lunch and and have some sort of presentation. Evan was very good, he slept through the entire thing! Since we were out, we stopped by the Hilton to visit the crew. Of course they oohed and awwed over all of his hair!

I'm going to have to get used to strapping Evan into his carseat, having everything in the diaper bag, and getting out the door on time. I guess it will come with practice. Evan seems to be thinking: "Where are we going mommy? And can you handle this on your own?"

Joel came home for dinner last night but had to go back to the office for the evening so Evan and I went with him. Here is Evan sitting on his daddy's lap at the office...
Hope you are enjoying the pictures! I will post more as I have time.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Two Weeks and My First Real Bath!
Evan was two weeks old yesterday. We didn't have a party. But Jen and Evan did take a walk in his brand-new homemade baby sling. Grandma Raymer made it for us by copying one from a friend. Check out the pictures.

On Wednesday morning Grandma and Grandpa Raymer left. So Tuesday night we had an outing to Harry's restaurant in downtown Gainesville. It's one of our favorite restaurants and Grandma and Grandpa liked it too. We sat outside...it was the most beautiful night since the spring and we really enjoyed it.

Then today we had our first real bath. Evan actually seemed to like it after the initial shock of being in the water. Now he's nice and clean and smells wonderful! Wish you could be here to enjoy him.

This was Jen and Evan's first week at home by themselves. They had a few visitors but mostly spent their days eating, pooping and sleeping (ok, only Evan did that but Jen had to accomodate him.) They did great. Daddy came home for lunch a few days because he wanted to see his little family! Today (Saturday) we're just enjoying a lazy day and catching up on some things around the house...we still have a lot to do until we're settled in. As always, here's some more pictures.

Grandma and Grandpa Raymer at Harry's...mmm...seafood!

Evan's first trip downtown and a nice outing for mama and daddy.

Mommy and Evan went for a walk!

I love my sling!

My first bath! I liked it!

I was pretty happy after my bath too!

Sunday, September 02, 2007
church, pizza, & celebration
Evan went to church for the first time this morning. He sat with us the whole time and barely made a peep...

After church we went with all our parents to Leonardo's Pizza. Evan met Leonardo himself! We should have asked for an autograph...

The guys celebrated tonight with a traditional cigar. What a site to see...

Saturday, September 01, 2007
Grandmas and Grandpas
Wow, we've been busy! Evan had his first outing on Thursday. We went to the pediatrician and had his first check up and his circumcision. Then we went to McDonalds for lunch. Circumcision and McDonalds - the true American outing huh? Guess we could've thought of something more exciting for his first time out of the house but that's just how it worked. Actually he did great. He has only been fussy when we change his diaper. What's even better, he slept six hours last night! Of course he's a little piggy during the day and eats a lot but it works out well that he can sleep at night. So far he's a really well-tempered baby. He's generally sweet and alert when he's awake and seems to only cry when there's a real need like diaper change or hunger. Of course, what do I know, I'm a first time daddy.

This weekend we've had all the grandmas and grandpas here. They've been loving on Evan and we've been enjoying their company too. Have you ever experienced all the grandparents in one house? You keep hearing the words grandpa and grandma and you're not sure who anyone is talking to or about. Then there's the whole question of what to call everyone. You know, some kids develop a pet name for their grandparents. I guess I'm a strict constructionist (look it up if you don't know what I mean) and believe we should stick to grand-blank along with last name until the child is able to call them what he or she wants. If a pet name develops fine. If not, fine. It's funny to try to keep everyone straight though!

Today Grandma Searby helped us decorate and we got the guest room pretty well squared away. It looks great, thanks Grandma Searby! Grandpa Searby played babysitter and Grandma and Grandpa Raymer went for a road trip to Cedar Key and Manattee Springs State Park. Apparently they went to Cedar Key twice travelling by a "scenic loop." You'll have to ask them how that happened. They're all leaving early next week but it sure has been nice to have them around for help and company.


Here's some pictures.

Grandma and Grandpa Searby arrived and went straight for the baby!

Grandma and Grandpa Raymer are still having lots of fun!

Here's Grandpa Searby "babysitting" and teaching Evan about college football.