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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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the searbys

Monday, September 17, 2007
We've had a busy week! Not only was it full of appointments, work and church activities...we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of our friends the Bolin's. We had them, and a bunch of other people, over to the house on Saturday. We started with a pool party and then watched the Gator game together. It was our first big event at the new house and over 20 people fit in pretty comfortably (they may argue with that but I was comfortable.)

We had a lot of fun getting all the young couples together. We're really blessed with a great group of friends here in Gainesville. The Bolin's moved to Iowa a while back and we sure do miss them. But it was great to spend some quality time with them and their boy, Noah.

For those of you who know about it, don't forget to go to http://www.cubs.com/ and vote for Lindsay Studnicki (Jake's sister-in-law) in the Seventh Inning Stretch singing contest.

Hope everyone has a good week. Here's some pictures!

Some of the girls and their kids...Noah was trying to get away!

Evan had his first trip to the pool. No swimming just yet but his little feet got to go in.

Dinah sure seemed to love her floaties.

Noah had fun at the pool too!

Matt and Ashley finally got to meet Evan.

Tonight Evan wore his flip-flops for the first time...just in case he started walking at Wal-Mart.

I wanna see the pictures!  


looks like things are going well. cute flip-flops! :)  


Sounds like you had fun with everyone!! And those flip-flops crack me up : ) TOO CUTE!

Take care! Kristin  


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Grandma Raymer wants to see the little face that goes with the feet in the red flip-flops  


Una imagen vale más que mil palabras.



ser la viva imagen de alguien



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