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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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the searbys

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Some Black and White
Here I am again, proud papa. I took some of our pics and turned them into black and white. And Amanda, we finally got some feet pics so here you go.

He's eating great and doing really well. He slept for four and a half hours last night. Grandpa Raymer is fixing up our chairs for us which is a huge help. I'm hoping to get the house slowly put back together. Jen and I really like things in order so its a bit unnerving to have clutter everywhere. But, we'll get it done in good time I suppose.

In other news, Jack the cat seems to be adjusting well. He doesn't like the crying but seems genuinely concerned when Evan cries. At night, since Jack sleeps next to me in the bed, when he hears Evan crying on the baby monitor he stands up and nudges me and gets restless. It's almost like he knows that something's wrong. He's sniffed Evan a few times and seems interested but not at all hostile or upset, so that's good.

Finally this morning, thanks to all of you for your interest, love, prayers and care. Our Gainesville friends have been amazing in helping us with stuff and offering their support. Our distant friends have been great about staying in touch and sending their prayers. Grandma Linda and Grandpa Mark are pretty anxious to get their hands on this little boy I think and they'll get their chance this weekend. Can't wait to see them. Here's some more pics. Love to all.


His cute little (or should I say big) feet!

Feet on the couch...

Daddy's feet are still just a little bigger.

Precious little guy.

This one is from the hospital. I thought it looked good as a black and white.

This one might be my favorite so far. He just looks so peaceful and amazing.

No one will ever mistake our little grandson for a girl! He just looks so boyish! Joel, where did you get feet bigger than your dad's by a long ways? Evan will probably match you in high school. You know what they say about "a good understanding!" We'll get up with him in the night this weekend, change him and bring him to Jen! Can't wait! Love, mom  


gramma searby is totally right! evan will NOT be mistaken for a girl...he is all boy. loving the feet pics, too. ;)  


hey guys-
this has become part of my daily ritual now- checking this and leaving comments. those feet are huge! hehe :) i'm going to show aaron once he comes in. and look at all that hair! so cute. one more thing, i got a lime bumbo jen- yay! so glad i waited cause they got more in after the weekend. should be here soon and ready for evan in a few months! :)


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