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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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the searbys

Saturday, August 25, 2007
More details on Evan Jacob's entrance
Alright, so now its calmed down a bit. We're still at the hospital and now transferred to the other wing for "recovery." Which it definitely is. Everyone is doing well. There's someone in our room running some test or another about every ten minutes it seems. I know they're just doing their job but its a bit annoying sometimes.

So here's the details. We came in to the hospital around 5am yesterday morning after two hours of steady contractions at home. So yes, we woke up at 3am at home. They admitted us and we began the fun. Contractions were regular but not progressing a lot. About noon they decided to break Jen's water. That helped the contractions to intensify but they weren't getting closer together so we decided to add pitocin, which speeds up labor. For the whole labor, Jen only had one and one half doses of a painkiller. She was absolutely amazing. We worked hard together to breathe and stay under control and the nurses were amazed at how well she did. I guess hardly anybody goes without an epideral anymore. There were plenty of loud screams but she never lost composure or stopped her breathing. I am so proud of her.

She had to push for an hour and a half, which was rough. And at the end, it got a little dicey. The cord was wrapped around his neck and he was turned the wrong way. His head actually came out with his body turned sideways and the doctor said, with some degree of worry in her voice, "Jen, you have got to push this baby out RIGHT NOW!" Grandma Raymer was pretty nervous at that point but I knew I had to help Jen get one more big push. So we took a deep breath and we did it and out he came.

Speaking of Grandma Raymer, we couldn't have done it without her. She was with us the whole time and took on mostly the massaging role. All of Jen's labor was in her back which we're told is the most painful kind. So Deena tried her best to keep the pain down in her back. I played the breathing coach and moral support role. It's an amazing experience, as all of you parents know and the rest of you will probably sometime experience.

Here's some more pictures, since I know that's what you all want anyways. Send us your messages and come see us in Florida if you don't live here!

Early this morning...guess he's about 12 hours old here.

Jen and Evan bonding this morning.

Grandma Raymer and Evan about 45 minutes after birth.

Daddy Joel and his amazing son.

p.s.-they're laying our floors as I post this, so we might get to go home to a somewhat put-together home.

CONGRATS!!!!!! Evan is so adorable!! Jen you look beautiful and Joel you look so happy! Josh and I are so happy for you!  


Joel - we couldn't be prouder of either of you and so thankful to our Father God for bringing Evan safely into this world. He is beautiful and perfect. It was a God-thing this morning when I opened my Bible and my eyes fell immediately to this page and verse: Ps. 127: 3: Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them." Your quiver now contains beautiful son Evan. Love, Mom  




HIGH-five to Jen!!! I have heard labor is much harder when they face the wrong way! Did Dr. Cook get to deliver Evan? I hope so. She was so nice. He looks so handsome already and I am sure will look completely different when we make it down. We are so excited for you guys and cannot wait to see you all. Many kudos to Jen!


that's my girl! love, love, and lots more love  


Evan is absolutely adorable! I can't wait to meet him next week. Jen, you are amazing. Hope you are getting a little rest now! Yea for floors :)
Miss you all,


Isn't it amazing!? Until you experience it you just can't describe it! So glad God was watching over you every step of the way : ) And I love that the nurses were amazed . . . I had some residents and nurses come in because they had NEVER seen an unmedicated birth!! Crazy, huh : ) So glad you are doing well! Love, The Jarretts  


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