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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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the searbys

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Yesterday, Memorial Day, we had a few errands to run and we ended up at Kmart. As we were walking in I saw the pop machines and mentioned that I wanted one on the way out. While shopping we decided that a fountain pop would just taste better so for a mid-afternoon snack we sat at the Kmart Snack Shack. We enjoyed our salty pretzel and Cherry Pepsi but for some reason it was just hilarious that we were sitting at the little cafe. I guess you just had to be there.
Monday, May 29, 2006
A Car Full of Junk
We saw the weirdest thing yesterday. As we were getting into our car at Taco Bell, a lady drove by in a fairly new Chevy Lumina. It was packed up to the windows with junk. We saw things like McDonald's cups, newspapers, fliers, and other random items. The entire back seat and the passenger seat was just FULL of junk! It was not in bags or suitcases, it was just a pile of junk that looked like it had been accumulating for quite some time. Weird huh?
Saturday, May 13, 2006
chef on a shoestring

On Saturday mornings we almost always watch "The Saturday Early Show" on CBS. They have a segment we love called "chef on a shoestring." This morning there was a recipe for a shrimp pasta that looked really good so.......we went out and bought some shrimp and cooked it tonight. It truly was delicious! Great food, some good Chilean wine and each other's company. Wish you all could have been with us!!!!
Mangos were on sale the other day at the grocery store. We were both pretty excited and were reminded of our days in Latin America. Today we tried to peel a mango to put it in a fruit salad. We discovered that there is NO good way to peel and cut a mango. After Joel made a mess cutting, I stood over the sink and ate the rest off the seed. It was quite funny! Since then, I've done a little research on peeling them. One website said, "There is no good way to eat a mango. Most mango lovers just eat them in the bathtub." How do you eat your mangos?
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
House Call
Some of you may remember the days when doctors and dentists made house calls. I certainly don't, but tonight I received a phone call from my friend Ashley, who has a friend, Brandi, who has friend Tiffany. Tiffany and her friends were searching for people in Gainesville to volunteer their time and teeth. They have to take their state board exams in order to be a certified dental hygenist and had to find their own patients. So, three girls showed up at our apartment to see if we dirty enough teeth to qualify for the exam. Needless to say, we qualified and we will receive free cleanings and these girls will have patients to practice on for their exam in June.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Well, I guess no one watched the Lakers on Sunday judging by the amount of comments on my previous blog. Lets change the subject to grapefruit. (I know what you're thinking, "Joel writes about serious things and Jen just shares what crazy thing is on her mind at the time of writing.")

We were at our friends' house for dinner tonight. They have a grapefruit tree and it reminded me of my times at Grandma and Grandpa Raymer's house in Florida. Joel got to use the "picker" and we were able to take an armful of grapefruit home with us.

So the question is, do you salt or sugar your grapefruit? I prefer sugar.