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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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the searbys

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sneak Preview
Here is a little sneak preview to the birthday-blog that I promise I will do soon...

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Weekend Visitors
Joel's parents and our good friend, Claudia, were here for a nice weekend visit. Here are some pictures from their time with us...

What a cute little boy peeking over the wall at the Park...

Grandpa & Grandma Searby had lots of fun with Evan over the weekend...

Thank you Claudia for taking the family picture...

Joel showed Evan all the fountains. He kept signing "bath."
Notice Joel's "basketball face" in this picture...

Evan warmed right up to Claudia...

Evan opened his first birthday present....

This truck did not come out of the box above but it was a bday present too...

Joel cooked an amazing stir fry...

We even used our chopsticks!

On Saturday we went to St. Augustine. It was a very hot day but we all had a lot of fun. Evan was a trooper! He slept about 30 minutes the entire day.
Eating at Harry's...

Evan eating a lemon...

Joel and I always enjoy seeing the ocean...

And it was SO nice to see Claudia ...
Thanks Mark, Linda, & Claudie for a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
New Things
Evan just seems to amaze me everyday!

One day last week he had my keys and walked to the door to try to put them in the keyhole. I never intentionally taught him that! He just sees me do it everyday.

This weekend he started saying "nack" when he sees his snack coming or if he wants one.

Yesterday he signed "diaper" two times and sure enough he needed a diaper change! The first time was after our Super Wal-Mart run. He was signing it as I was getting him out of his carseat and boy was he wet....all the way through his shorts :( Then later on in the afternoon in the middle of playing in his toy corner, he just got up and came over to me and started signing "diaper." The little boy sure was stinky! I was SO proud of him!

Today Evan and I went to Birkett's house to babysit Megan. When Kelly left for work Evan blew her a kiss! Later on in the afternoon I asked for a kiss and he gave me a big kiss on the cheek...smacking his lips and all!

Evan is doing something new everyday and I can't wait to see what he'll do tomorrow!
Monday, August 04, 2008
Evan is walking all over the place! He still falls a lot but is getting better every day.

Friday, August 01, 2008
The Sad Goodbye
Our good friends Jimmy, Katie, & Isaac will be moving to North Carolina on Sunday. We are SO bummed about this but are trying to be supportive as they go on their next adventure in life. It will just be different around here without them. Katie is definately one of my best friends in Gainesville. I can call her up or catch her on "IM" at anytime and know that she is always there to listen to me complain or have a good laugh over something I've done that day. We share our frustrations about husbands, children, and life in general together. I've been giving Jimmy a really hard time, basically saying that he and I aren't friends anymore...but that's not true. The guy cracks me up! He kind of reminds me of my brother....you never know what he's going to say but you can bet its going to be funny! And little Isaac....I've seen him almost every week of his 6 months of life. Hopefully we'll be able to visit NC and they will be back to FL so Evan and Isaac can still be friends.

Joel & Kevin planned a surprise outing for our last night with the Whitlock's. We all got babysitters and had a "grown-up" night out. We were picked up by a limo...

And the guys picked Jimmy up...

We went to the Melting Pot for dinner but I didn't take any pictures there! So you have to check out Katie & Kelly's blogs in the next few days to see more pictures of our night out.

We love you Whitlocks!

11 Months
Evan was 11 months old last week. I can't believe how the time is flying! He's been such a joy (except when he misses a nap) and I've loved almost every minute of staying home with him.

All about Evan...

-He stops what he's doing and claps when an audience on TV claps.
-He loves to snack on cheerios & animal crackers.
-He dances when he hears music and especially enjoys the Geico Caveman dancing commercial.
-He shares things with his kitty: toys, remote control, cheerios, his sippy cup...
-He's walking more than he is crawling although he still falls down a lot. I've counted at least 12 steps in a row.
-He can point out his elephant, monkey, train, ball, fish, and other random toys when asked.
-He does the following signs: more, eat, all done, and milk.
-He waves hi & good bye and sometimes says "Hi"
-He's wearing size 3 diapers and getting close to size 4 but I try to use cloth ones for the majority of the time.
-He tries to climb up on the couch but has not yet succeeded
-He will be half-way up the stairs if someone forgets to shut the gate.
-He's only nursing once per day and is taking a mixture of whole milk & breast milk twice per day.
-The boy loves to eat.
-He knows what a Lion and Kitty say...but sometimes doesn't do it for an audience.
-He finally got his 2 bottom teeth!!!
-He has a mommy & daddy that love him very much but are sad that he is growing up too fast.

A few pictures of our cute little 11 month-old: