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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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the searbys

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Packing got me a little frazzled tonight. I was so stressed out about it that I used Windex instead of Spray n Wash on one of Evan's outfits.

Evan and I are going with Joel on a business trip to Indianapolis this week. Joel will then return to Gainesville but Evan and I are spending December in Illinois. My sister is getting married and I wanted to be there to help with some of the planning. Joel will be coming to Illinois for Christmas but we will be apart for 3 weeks. I'm sure it will go fast but just the thought of being apart that long (and Joel not seeing Evan) makes me sad :(
Saturday, November 24, 2007
My First Thanksgiving
Everyone has been talking about this big Holiday called Thanksgiving and all the good food you get to eat. I don't see what the big deal is...all I got was milk. I am thankful for my mommy and daddy who did part of the cooking for Thanksgiving day:

I'm also thankful for my Grandma and Grandpa Searby that came to visit for the long weekend:

And this is a really close-up picture of me. Aren't I cute?!

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Shots and No Sleep
Evan had his first round of shots on Wednesday. He screamed like a little girl but I think I would have too if I had 3 big needles going into my legs. He didn't have any severe reactions to the shots except that he decided not to sleep Wednesday night. This little boy has been sleeping all night since he was 9 days old (Praise God!). He woke up at 3am Thursday morning screaming! Joel tried to comfort him and then I took my turn. We finally got him back to sleep around 4:30. At 5:30am he woke up hungry. I fed him and he went back to sleep until about 8. We have been so spoiled by him sleeping all night that we didn't know what to do with ourselves! Since then he has been fine. Here are a few cute pictures from the week:

Sunday, November 04, 2007
And a few more pictures from the beach...

Good Morning from Navarre Beach
Here's a few shots I captured this morning. A real blessing...a much needed getaway.

Saturday, November 03, 2007
Evan Rolled Over!!!
Do all babies roll over this early? He rolled over today...here's the video to prove it. He was ten weeks old yesterday. And I guess most babies roll from their back to their stomach. He did the opposite. Then he decided it was his new favorite thing to do and did it all day.

The Beach with Aaron, Shauna and Everly!
Here's some pictures from today. We're at Navarre Beach in the Florida Panhandle with our great friends Aaron and Shauna and their daughter Everly.

Shauna and Everly, Jen and Evan on the boardwalk.

Everly and Evan hanging out in the Johnson's Beach Tent.

Joel and Evan on the Beach!