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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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Thursday, February 15, 2007
Frequently Asked Questions
When are you due?
August 21st

Are you going to find out if it’s a boy or a girl?
Yes – probably at the end of March

Are you feeling better?
Yes, last month I puked every day. Now its only every 4 or 5 days.

Are you showing yet?
Not really. I mean, I can tell but the average person would just think I’m kinda fat.

Who was “Melissa” that commented 4 times after the last post?
That is my awesome sister-in-law whom I love very much and can always count on for a good laugh.

CONGRATULATIONS again! I will soon be sending you the baby book that kept me sane in the early months!!! : ) I think I told you about it when we were in FL, but I have ordered a copy and am sending it to you when it arrives. . . .so many people thought Jackson was such a good baby. Well, he was, but he had a little "Babywise" help too : ) SO glad you are feeling better! It was great to talk to you last Sunday : ) What did you guys end up deciding? Take care! Love, Kristin (and the rest of the Jarretts too)  


You may think that posting the answers to these f.a.q.'s will deter people from asking them. It's not true. You will not get away from them until the baby is born. (well, maybe not the one about Melissa, that will probably go away). Then prepare for a new set of questions that will be asked of you by everyone you see. They are as follows:

1. Are you getting any sleep?

2. How is he/she sleeping?

3. Are you sleeping very much?

4. How's the sleep going?

5. Is he/she sleeping through the night?

6. Any other variation of the sleep question.

This will never end!

I love my baby boy, though. I'd put up with people's silly fascination with these questions forever for him.



Well i think its about time I leave a comment on here...i just want to say I had a got a good laugh from your 'frequently asked questions'. However, just when I thought I was done laughing, I read Jake's. I didn't know you guys had it in ya to be so funny. Good work.
JODI =)  


Besides the sleep question, also be prepared for when they are about Noah's age (9mo) to start getting the "When do you plan to have the next one?" To which I always answer, "Are you kidding? I haven't forgotten pregnancy yet..."  


Wow, that was longer than they gave me! We were still in the hospital when my Grandma asked me when we were going to have our next!  


Hey guys!!! I was just sitting here at Kate's in Baltimore and was reading your blog and found out about the baby!!! congratulations! So excited for you! I bet grandma & grandpa on both sides are so excited for another grandbaby!!! yay!  


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