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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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the searbys

Saturday, November 05, 2005
The Difference
What's the difference between working in the coffeeshop at Lincoln Christian College and working at a coffeeshop in Gainesville, Florida? In Gainesville, sometimes your help calls in hungover! Yep, no help for me in the coffeeshop this morning because she called in to say, and I quote, "I need your advice...(dramatic pause)...my friend from California came in last night unexpectedly (yeah, that happens) and I wasn't planning on going out or anything because I knew I had to work and everything but we just decided to go out and now I'm way hungover. What should I do?" Ok, don't give me a lame line like, "I need your advice." Just tell me you're hungover and can't come in. It's fine. I've been there (unfortunately) and know that you would be worthless to me if you did come in. And it really was fine with me so I just told her to stay home. Besides, now I don't have to split the tips and it was busy earlier so I probably did pretty well. Just thought I'd share that little story of life in Gainesville with you this morning.
Have a great weekend!

tell me about it. last year in cincy i worked at the coffeehouse in our church in the morning and then worked at a restaurant in town at night. i understand the difference...believe me.  


Do you ever feel uncomfortable writing about people other than yourself on here? Do you ever say to your co-worker, "Hey, by the way, go to my website. I posted a story on there about you."?  


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