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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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the searbys

Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween!
I loved trick-o-treating as a kid. I remember walking the streets of Bellflower with my friends and after we had begged at the doorstep of every house, we would go back to my friend Chrystal's house and sort our candy. We would sit in the living room with the candy all over the floor and make trades so we all ended up with what we liked the best. When I had what I wanted I ran home so I could go with my family to Saybrook....for more trick-o-treating! We would stop at friends' & relatives' houses, but most important was the stop at Grandma Bridgwater's house. We knew what would await us....the famous popcorn balls. The last stop of the night was at the old highschool in Saybrook where they had the annual costume contest. Jake won one year as a "Pillow-Person." I can't remember if I ever won anything.

Anyways, Halloween has always been fun. But tonight? We're doing absolutely nothing. Its kind of nice not to have anything to do. We celebrated last night with some friends. We ate lots of junk food and played games....not too Halloweenish but it was fun!

Here are Joel, Matt, & Kevin finishing up supper and getting geared up for games.......

And, this is Ashley (in the velvet shirt she promised her grandma she would wear!), Kelly, and me solving the Cranium clue.....

What are your Halloween Memories?

Mama's childhood Halloween memories: never having a store bought costume, because my mom always sewed ours. Except one. The year we lived in Georgia, I was 8 years old. Our school had a Halloween carnival with games and food out on the school yard, but inside there was a room where you could go and buy a Halloween costume. In that room was a princess costume with sequins and a full skirt of yards and yards of netting. I remember it was $2 and I begged and begged mom to buy it for me. We were very poor and $2 was a whole lot of money, but she relented. We fixed up a foil covered cardboard crown and I was in heaven that year as we trick or treated in our apartment complex. When I was a little older, I remember wanting to trick or treat where the rich people lived because they often gave you 25 cent full sized candy bars, not just penny candy! Never did like popcorn balls, Jen (although Grandma Key always made them, too). As a mom, I remember that I never wanted to buy a Halloween costume, but determined to sew them for John Mark and Joel. However, my sewing skills were poor. I think I only succeeded in making a clown costume, which both boys wore and it was later passed down to Jordan P. to wear. The boys did a lot of hobos, sports players, GI Joe's, etc. that didn't require sewing, but neither were they store bought. We had no trick or treaters last night....we have seen no children in our neighborhood, period! We did buy Halloween candy, though, and have succeeded in eating it ourselves!! Walkin down memory lane, MAMALINDA P.s. who is that Goober guy above?  


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I remember looking forward to Halloween as a kid. . . dressing up and getting lots of candy. But I really haven't been that big on it since. However, I love going to bond fires/wiener roasts . . . sitting by the fire, making s'mores, and sipping spiced cider! Some friends had us over on Saturday night for a wiener roast and it was wonderful : ) One of the reasons I LOVE Fall : ) Kristin  


Just catching up on things. I was thinking about those Halloween days when we divided up our candy and made the big swap. This year we were planning on taking Kalynn to Grandma and Grandpa's trick o treating but it was pouring down rain so we turned on our porch light and let the kiddies come to us. We had about 60 kids even in the rain. Hope you guys are good. We are adjusting to parenthood and I am dreading the return to work on Dec. 15. Love,Chrystal  


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