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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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the searbys

Monday, October 24, 2005
Hurricanes and new friends
As I write this hurricane Wilma is bearing down on our state. It's raining here in Gainesville but not windy yet although they're saying it will be in a little bit. When we saw the projected path of the storm we thought of our friends at New Missions Systems in Fort Myers. We decided to call down there and offer our apartment for anyone who needed to evacuate. It just so happened that Miosh Rock and his family were looking for a place. Miosh is a graduate of Lincoln Christian Seminary, where we met him because he was in the coffee shop a lot. His wife's name is Rosie and they have two beautiful kids, Darcy (4) and Meoli (2). They're going to be with us a few days and its been great getting to know them. They will be moving back to Haiti, their home, in a month or so to continue in their ministry there. Rosie is going to cook us a Haitian meal tonight. We're excited about that!

Yesterday at church was a great day. We had lots of visitors again and many are return visitors now. I hope that we can help them feel connected and help them to become part of the community at Harvest. It is a mystery to me why people gravitate toward one church or another but I do believe that even in her imperfections the church, or rather the Christian community, is the place to find the deepest, fullest sense of true family and belonging because of what's at the center. If God is real, Jesus is the human expression of that reality and the Spirit is working among us (and I believe this is true) then there can be no more fulfilling existence than one with God, in community. That's what I see as the truth about church. I hope we can create a place at Harvest that is welcoming and open in such a way that it invites people to come and be a part of the journey with God.

Well, those are my thoughts early on this hurricane morn. I hope you have a great week and as always, stay in touch.
Grace and Peace be yours today.

Be safe you guys! And thanks Jen for remembering my birthday. I got your card & sweet birthday treat in the mail on Friday! You know I'm going to eat that whole bag myself : ) Well Jackson will help! Love, Kristin  


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