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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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the searbys

Monday, October 10, 2005
Sunday afternoons
Yep, I've been spending the weekend without my lovely wife. Jen has been in Illinois at a friends wedding and its been strange being here all alone. My whole routine has been off and I'm a creature of some habit. In some ways its nice to have some alone time but in most ways, I don't like it. You grow to love and depend upon someone and you want them there. I'll be glad when she gets home.

Yesterday after church and lunch I came home, crashed on the couch and turned on golf. Growing up there were lots and lots of Sundays that my dad and I would do the same thing. I never quite understood it but I always liked it. There we'd sit in our white undershirts leftover from church and the most comfortable shorts or sweats we could find. It was usually just kind of a nice background sound for naps. Now I'm starting to understand a bit more. Sunday mornings are draining when you're a minister. For one, you've prepared all week for the sermon and when its over you feel a sense of relief. Plus, you greet everyone you see and spend a few moments with them, hearing about their week, sharing yours, just generally interacting. But the minister is expected to remember everyone's week. It's a lot of pressure. Then you eat lunch with someone in church and it often turns theological or at least to discussions about ministry. By the time you get home a nap is certainly in order. So, that's what I did yesterday, before waking up and heading back to church last night for a prayer time. It was a great day at Harvest yesterday and I continue to be excited about that opportunity that God has placed before us.

I hope you're well and always enjoy hearing from any and all of you. Have a great week!

i completely agree and understand. my sunday afternoons are sacred after a morning of teaching the kids and then going to church. it's so hard to remember all that everyone does and yet they assume that since you are in a ministerial role, you automatically have a special place in your brain for everything anyone has every told you about how their dog went to the vet. plus i get to try and keep straight which kid went with who to homecoming and what type of controversay that caused. sigh.  


Jen and Joel,

I'm glad to hear you're getting rest. It sounds like everything is going really well. I hope the wedding was fun.



ei joel, i really enjoyed reading your blog and nice banner too. thank you also when you said, "So, I guess I'm saying to those married men out there, appreciate your wife for the little things that she brings to your life every day." i just sent it to my hubby. hahaha. hope to get something from it. laff. naah, hubby's really great.  


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