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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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the searbys

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I want to be a Hilton...
Today marks 1 week that I have been working in the Administration Office at the UF Hilton Hotel and Conference Center (sounds important huh?). I’m enjoying it more each day. The girl training me is actually an Intern from UF that will leave in August to finish her internship in Oakbrook, IL. So, she’s been educating me about Florida and I’ve advised her to buy a winter coat since she’ll be there until February. Work is good, I’m learning a lot and am feeling more confident as the days go by. I’m praying that my position will eventually turn full time.

Since Joel had the day off he was a gentleman and dropped me off at work and came back later to pick me up. (Well, really he just wanted to drive the Buick all day since the AC doesn’t work in the Camaro.) When he picked me up, he had Jack with him. What a great cat, he even likes car rides!

We spent the afternoon catching up on odds and ends that needed to be done. For instance, Joel is finally finishing up his thank-yous from graduation….so if you gave him something and he hasn’t said “thanks”, be patient with us, we barely know our way to the post office.

And, what a great husband, Joel cooked dinner tonight. I felt like I was at Guzzardo’s! We had steak, sautéed veggies, garlic bread, and the best part of all was the salad! He has really turned into a great cook (Thanks Linda!). We both love to cook, but very differently and we enjoy learning from each other. My mom & grandmas have passed on to me the small-town, home-cookin’. Joel’s style is more gourmet and looks great on a plate!

Anyways, we’re eating well and I’m learning how to be a member of the Hilton family.

P.S. Happy Birthday Jake!!!

You can be a Hilton all you want, but if you start saying "That's Hot!", you are so in trouble : )

We went to the dr. yesterday and heard the baby's heartbeat which was very exciting! She said everything looked great.

Take care! Kristin  


So you're saying mom and grandma's food taste good but doesn't look good on a plate  


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