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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
The Searbys

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the searbys

Tuesday, June 28, 2005
It's official! I even have a nametag!
I received a call from the Hilton this morning and I went in to fill out all the paperwork this afternoon. My official Hilton training starts tomorrow. My title is “Sales Receptionist.” I’m a little nervous about starting a new job at such a huge, respected corporation. However, with the nervousness comes a lot of excitement! Who knows where this job could take me. Hopefully after a promotion or 2 I’ll be able to call it a career. Joel is done with his training at Coffee Culture and is enjoying his job more each day.

Last night we went to Lee-Ann’s house for a birthday cookout for her daughter who turned 4. We were able to meet new people, go swimming, and eat some good burgers on the grill. Tonight we’re headed to the Christian Campus House at UF for another cookout. All of this equals free food!

This morning we went through volunteer training at the St. Francis House here in Gainesville. It is one of the biggest homeless shelters in town. We enjoyed getting to know the volunteer coordinator and we’re excited about getting involved at the shelter. Joel is going there in the morning to help serve breakfast.
So, that’s the news for now. Hope to here from some of you soon!
- Jen

Hey, I'm a big fan of the Hilton's. Especially their videos. "That's Hot!"  


JOel and Jen - God continues to bless you! Lots of good news today! Jen, I know you will prove yourself quickly at the Hilton and they will recognize your strong work ethic and skills way beyond "receptionist" level right away! Joel, what a great opportunity you have to meet people and be a Christian at the coffee house. And, bravo to you both for immediately seeking a place to serve like the homeless shelter. I am so very proud of you both! Love ya, Mama Linda  


Congrats to you both on so speedily finding employment. Szkoda (Drat) that you won't be in Illinois this summer, when I am. But I'm still happy that you're finding your way.  


Congratulations on the jobs! What a peace it must give you both to feel a little more settled in! Take care! Kristin  


Hola!, muy bien!!! i am so glad for you guys. keep being yourselves and you´ll get to the place you both deserve.


Howdy doody good neighbors. We are excited for you and all the opportunities God is giving you to work and serve. We'll keep on praying for you. And hey, we miss you too;)! Love, the McKnights  


Hey, congratulations. I had an interview with the Hilton in Cincy. However, I think I will be taking a job with US Airways. Good to read that y'all are doing well, my friends.


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