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The web home of Joel, Jennifer and Evan Searby, reporting on life in Gainesville, Florida.
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the searbys

Sunday, June 24, 2007
Remember that episode of Saved By the Bell where Jessi is so overwhelmed with everything? She runs around her bedroom screaming "There's no time, there's never enough time!" That's how I feel right now. (For those who saw the episode: Don't worry, I'm NOT taking caffeine pills to make it through the day!) So, to make myself feel better about everything, I make lists and schedules. I love to check things off of a list. Joel is not the biggest fan of my list-making. Sometimes it helps to organize us and is helpful. Other times it is considered "over-scheduling our lives without room for anything spontaneous." It really hit me last night when Joel asked me "Do we make memories checking things off of lists, or do we make memories by driving to the end of the map?" (He was referring to our days in Chile.) I lost it, I cried like a baby. I think its all hitting me: We are buying a Townhome, having a baby, and looking at the last 2 months we have together as just "jen & joel."

So, must I make an excuse for not blogging? Besides the fast that our internet hasn't been working at our apartment! We have had some visitors in the past month. I always like to share pictures from when people come to visit (maybe that wll encourage others to visit us!)

Here are a couple of pictures from when Joel's parents were here over Memorial Day weekend. The first one was taken at Satchel's - the ultimate pizza experience of Gainesville. We love it. The second was taken at the Waldo Flea Market. Mark & Joel are eating Cajun hot boiled peanuts. That's definitely a southern thing that we had never experienced before moving to Gainesville.

One of my best friends from high school, Valla, came down a couple weeks later and we had a great time catching up on each other's lives. I don't have any digital pictures of our time together but if I did they would show two really burnt girls from our trip to the beach!

Hope your week goes well and hopefully I will make time to post on this blog more often!

Glad to get an update from you guys! I am totally there with you on the whole list making thing. And I also have a husband that hates my lists. . . I have to somehow transition my toddler to a "big boy" bed and help him to understand there will be another little person that mommy will have to care for. We are NOT even going to try to tackle potty training since he won't even be 2 yet (thankfully)!! And even though I have what David says is "plenty of time" to accomplish that, I often stress that it will all go smoothly and I will do it well. You will be a great mom and you'll have a whole new perspective when he arrives. That is what helped me relax a bit and take things more as they come. Though I still have my moments : ) Take care! Kristin  


Yeah! I am glad to see what you guys have been up to :) You look so cute! How are you feeling? It is overwhelming thinking about what is to come--however, here I am a mom of 2, and it is going great! You will be awesome and definately keep your focus on one another. Make time together a priority, no matter how busy you are!

Love, Courtney  


Ah Jen,
Lists are good at times but I am with you and Joel on the need for spontanaity (sp?). Most likely you will not get everything checked off of your list before your life is totally changed with the blessing of a baby. That's right...BLESSING! Enjoy these months before and after his arrival! Let God take the lead and I know He will take your new family on journeys beyond your imagination. We love you dearly. And by the way, you look great! Where's that crazy belly button that should be sticking out any day now??? :)  


Hola amiga Jen y amigo Joel!
Well, i don't know how to tell you... in three words, WE ARE PARENTS!!!

Our little boy is Christopher (bearing Christ inside) and born in June 26th, at 14:28hrs.

Paula is great, and our son is beatifull.
God bless you guys! And we hope see you soon!

Paula & Richard... and Chris!  


Ahh... if u want to see Chris, http://christophercastillo.blogspot.com



I love your belly! It has grown since we left gainsville (which of course is a good thing!) Hope to talk to you again soon. Call me if you get some time!  


Hi..I don't know HOW in the world I stumbled across your page, but I did. This is Chaia (VanGoethem) Huff from way back at U-high. Long time! Glad to see you are doing so well Joel! Congrats on the baby on the way...  


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